If I'm honest, I aimed to have this post out a lot sooner, but as it happens this campaign has come at a time when my own mind is a little all over the place. Am I really the person who should be telling you about body positivity when I can be so cruel to my own? Don't get me wrong, in general I feel good in myself, I accept myself for who I am and usually I know I deserve love and everything everyone else deserves, but I can't pretend there are not days when I look at myself, or see a nasty comment from someone and for a moment believe every bad thing I possibly could about myself. Why do we do it? Why does the fact I am fat mean I should let my confidence be ripped apart. I would never want anyone else to be treated that way. Is this the type of person you want telling you about body confidence? Or maybe is this the point of body positivity? It is not as simple as believing you are perfect all the time, its about the journey, about learning to be nicer to yourself when you don't feel great, or whilst hearing nasty things. We would never dream of saying these cruel things to our friends, so why do we think it's okay to pull ourselves down this way?
[description=If all else fails, cover it in glitter!]